The economy in a new reality
Thursday, September 24
1. Strategic digitalization within companies
How to set up a successful strategy within the company for management and teleworking? What tools to use, how to prepare, how to motivate people?
Daniela B. Kotolenko, CorpoHub, will talk to Telemach CEO Adrian Ježina.
2. HR of the future and the future of work
How should companies prepare for the new needs dictated by the digitalization and the new way of thinking of the generation coming to the labor market? What is the role of HR in this?
HR challengers will be Jani Zupan and Primož Klemen, Profil.
3. New leadership competencies and remote management
The new normality requires leaders to enrich their competencies. Remote control is more complex and demanding.
Moderator: Danijela Brečko, Sofos
4. Diversity of teams in the new reality
Diversity, inclusion, balance, (non) bias. Through an interactive exercise, we will encourage how to incorporate all of this into leadership and how to counteract ingrained patterns.
Provocative questions will be asked by Natalija Zupan, EOS KSI.
5. Change as a result of the crisis - what have we learned?
With the help of the design thinking method, you will exchange good practices, experiences and innovations that have emerged in companies as a result of the crisis.
Enej Gradišek, CorpoHub, will guide you through the method.
6. Back to business self-sufficiency
How to achieve the lowest possible dependence, optimize the use of resources in the broadest sense and ensure the smooth operation of the company?
#EUwomen4future Ladeja Godina Košir, Circular Change, will talk to Luka Rutar, Danfoss Trata.
Keynote Speaker of the Management Congress 2020

He has particular expertise in the areas of adaptive strategy, strategy for multi-business systems, sustainability strategies, ecosystem strategies, collective learning and innovation, corporate vitality, and trust.
13.00 |
Unconference – connecting in times of distancing |
13.00–14.30 |
An innovative networking part of the program with excellent facilitators and guests that will address the time after COVID-19 and the new reality. We will incorporate new knowledge, experience, and good practices and connect for the future. Networking and content sessions will be held on the following topics: |
15.00 |
Welcoming speeches by MAS President Medeja Lončar and MAS Executive Director Petra Juvančič. Address: Zdravko Počivalšek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Technology Address: Janez Lenarčič, European Commissioner Keynote Address: Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia, Honorary Guest of the Congress |
15.25–15.55 | Presentation of the action plan for higher productivity growth: Dušan Mramor, full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana and head of the MAS Observatory, within the action plan was prepared. |
15.55–16.35 |
Participants of the discussion on higher productivity growth: • Zdravko Počivalšek, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economic Development and Technology; The discussion will be moderated by Polona Domadenik, full professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana. |
17.00–17.30 |
Keynote speaker: Martin Reeves, Managing Director & Senior Partner, Chairman of the BCG Henderson Institute In his speech, Martin Reeves will focus on the capabilities and modes of operation that are key to successfully identifying, managing, and shaping an emerging new reality. |
17.30–18.20 |
We will talk about the new reality brought by COVID-19 with leading Slovenian managers: • Tomislav Čizmić, CEO of Mercator;• Marta Kelvišar, CEO of Adria Dom; • Iztok Seljak, CEO of Hidria Holding; • Enzo Smrekar, Atlantic Group Vice President for Savoury spreads, Donat Mg and international expansion; • Valerija Špacapan Friš, CEO of DB Schenker. The discussion will be moderated by Igor E. Bergant. |
19.30 |
EVENING EVENT WITH AWARD CEREMONYWith our awards, we present the excellent practices of managers and leaders. The winners are a beacon that guides the path of development of future generations and are building blocks of our image and public reputation. They are messengers of our commitments and values. |