Local, global, unique

The area of tourism and hotel industry has bloomed incredibly over the last 40 years. The last decade has witnessed the digitalisation of business and communication processes, with global shifts in the travelling patterns due to less expensive means of transport and with the appearance of new global tourist and marketing platforms, also based on the so-called sharing economy. The essence of the hotel business nevertheless remains the same, namely hospitality and focus on the guest and their unique experience.
The tourist industry and the complex international environment require that the hotel and other tourist companies adopt different approaches to establishing successful presence on the market. We at Union Hotels placed our bet on the following three:
1. “Local connections - global presence.”
Active cooperation with the local environment and the national players yields synergies in terms of brand visibility and differentiation of a tourist product on the global market.
2. “If you want to shape your present, you have to know your past.”
History, tradition and quality of service are an invaluable part of corporate identity that affect not only the company’s external image but also represent the key values which the employees have internalised and thus serve as the basis for the company's future development.
3. “Hospitality is the heart of the company.”
Focus on the guest and monitoring of their satisfaction, personal approach, enabling unique experience and dedicated employees are what distinguishes our company on the market.
Future challenges are perceived in the area of further development of the tourist branch at the national and global levels. Connections and cooperation between the companies, sharing of good practices and investing in employees remain our opportunities for further growth.
Antonio Deperte, Marketing and Sales Director, Union hoteli d.d.