The 2023 Artemida Award in the hands of Dr. Vita Godec and Eva McLellan

MAS awarded the 2023 Artemida Award to Dr. Vita Godec, Director of Lenis Farmacevtika, and Eva McLellan, General Manager of Roche Slovenia. Both have held their first top management position in a company with more than 50 employees for over 12 months, and the companies they lead have been operating profitably.
Lenis Farmacevtika, under the leadership of Dr. Vita Godec, has increased its revenue by a quarter compared to the combined revenue of both companies before the merger with Medicopharmacia. Roche Slovenia has introduced innovative solutions for Slovenian patients in both pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Among other things, it has launched two new drugs, each of which represents a unique therapeutic innovation in its respective field.
A scientist who always relies on data and facts, she is direct yet respectful, leading by example
Dr. Vita Godec took the helm of Lenis Farmacevtika on January 1st, 2022. Embracing a transformational leadership style and believing that change is the only way forward, she has digitized numerous aspects of the company within a year. In addition to digitalization, her two biggest challenges have been simplifying and optimizing complex systems, making the company more responsive to the ever-changing demands and environment.
As the director of the parent company in Slovenia, she leads a team of 32 employees and is indirectly responsible for the operations of four subsidiaries in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and North Macedonia. In total, she leads 50 people, and one of her biggest business projects was the merger and integration of Medicopharmacia into Lenis Farmacevtika. Given the significant differences in corporate cultures and the numerous cultural and sociological differences among employees, merging and integrating these two companies was a major undertaking, not only from a legal, financial, and regulatory perspective but also from an operational, IT, and especially HR standpoint.
The merger project was successful, as the combined company increased its revenue by a quarter in the first year under Dr. Godec's leadership compared to the combined revenue of both companies the previous year (which was €33.1 million), and its EBITDA in 2022 amounted to €3.6 million.
The key business mission she emphasizes and builds upon is interpersonal relationships within the company. How to give and receive praise, how to give or receive constructive criticism, what it means to be a leader, and who is a good leader? Dr. Vita Godec: "I see a significant challenge and the greatest room for improvement here. Looking back, I would say that I have always been a leader or a colleague who leads by example, because a good leader or colleague cannot set high standards for their employees and colleagues if they do not adhere to them or even exceed them themselves. Integrity is where it all begins and ends."
And integrity is her key value: doing what she says. Being direct but still respectful. There are no hidden messages with her. And she expects the same from others: employees, business partners, other stakeholders in healthcare, the public sector, industry in general, and even in her personal life. As a scientist by education, she always relies on numbers and facts.
A business leader with bold visions and the understanding that change only comes through collaboration and cooperation
When Canadian Eva McLellan took over as General Manager of Roche Slovenia 18 months ago, healthcare systems worldwide were emerging from the grip of the pandemic and facing new pressing challenges (shortage of healthcare workers, budget constraints, a huge number of undiagnosed diseases and untreated patients). These challenges persist in most countries today, and it is precisely this that drives Eva McLellan in leading the company. The desire to achieve results that are crucial for patients, employees, their families, and society. That's why she quickly introduced innovative solutions for Slovenian patients in both pharmaceuticals and diagnostics. Among them are two new drugs, each a unique therapeutic innovation in its field. They also made a significant step forward by expanding access to four new therapies.
Under her leadership, Roche Slovenia has conducted eight major clinical trials, six of which actively involved patients. Additionally, they have further strengthened their commitment to sustainable development based on three pillars: environmental, social, and economic. Among other things, they have managed to reduce their environmental impact, and all these achievements have been made possible by a highly skilled and dedicated team of 82 employees. The 2022 internal employee engagement and satisfaction survey showed that 90% of employees are satisfied and engaged. Under her leadership, the company continues to work in an agile manner to find the right solutions as quickly as possible in times of crisis and to continue working without interruption.
Eva McLellan is aware that business success can only be built on a solid foundation based on respect and trust among employees. And all of this is impossible without the right example. That's why she leads by example and has zero tolerance for non-transparency, dishonesty, or corruption. Eva McLellan: "Every business leader should be skilled in deep listening. They should also be a generous mentor, which I strive to be. Especially since I had an exceptional mentor in my career. It was Peter Roche, who taught me how to think and contributed greatly to my leadership growth."
Looking to the future, she envisions a five-year vision in which she sees a world where every person in Europe, including Slovenia, receives the best possible healthcare tailored to their individual needs. Eva McLellan: "This is bold, but this vision burns within me, and I am determined to keep it alive and encourage my colleagues and use our experience and resources to make it a reality."
Why is she so confident? She is encouraged by the partnerships she has established as General Manager in the past year, as she is aware that change is not brought about by lone heroes. Innovation and driving change require collaboration and cooperation. She firmly believes in this and stands by it.
About the Artemida Award
The Artemida Award, presented by the Female Managers’ Section of MAS, is given to women who have broken the glass ceiling and taken on their first top management position (director, general manager, or chair of the management board) in a commercial or significant non-commercial company with more than 50 employees. The company must have been operating profitably for at least 12 months under the leadership of the recipient. With this award, the association aims to encourage women to take on managerial challenges in the economy and public administration and to assume leadership positions within organizations. It is also one of the steps the association has been taking for years to promote a more balanced gender representation at the highest levels of business.
The 2023 Award Committee
The committee that selected the recipients of the 2023 award consisted of mag. Sarah Jezernik Konovšek, Melanie Seier Larsen, Aleš Muhič, Enej Kirn, Mojca Randl, Dr. Maja Fesel Kamenik, and Klaudija Javornik.